Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ghostly Tracks in San Antonio

Just days before Halloween, I took my kids on this adventure. As we pulled up to the area there were several other vehicles waiting their turn to try the tracks. As we creped along in line, I jumped out and dusted the rear bumper of my truck with baby powder.

When it was our turn, we pulled up to the tracks. I could see the terrain and knew that part of this was the gravity pulling your vehicle down hill, although there is a slight optical illusion of being pointed uphill. Being a dad, and wanting to make sure this worked for my excited children, I made sure the truck was pulled up “enough” to get over the hump in the road the railroad tracks naturally make.

I put the truck in neutral. Sure enough we began to roll. We rolled several feet off of the tracks, I made the sharp right-hand turn the road makes and parked in the gravel pull-out a hundred or so feet from the tracks. The kids, their mom and I got out of the truck to inspect the back.

Sure enough, there were prints! There was even one adult hand print that my son attributed to the being the bus driver.

Is this truly ghost children pushing car after car over the tracks? I don’t know. What I do know is that my wife made it to the back of the truck before the kids and I did and she was as sure to make sure the kids were creeped out before Halloween as I was. However, there were several other cars pulled over as well, all with evidence of fingerprints on the back of their cars.

Go! Try it for yourself. What could be creepier than a bus full of children, the smell of baby powder in the air and one heck of a good ghost story?

Read more about this haunted place here

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